Benefits of Peppermint Tea That’ll Make You Reach for a Big Mug

Discover the advantages of peppermint tea, then discover how to make the ideal cup.

One of those time-tested, traditional tastes, peppermint is present in a wide variety of goods and dishes (looking at you, candy canes). The fresh leaves are often used as popular cocktail garnishes, whether for mojitos or just plain water. Additionally, tea aficionados may indulge in the herb in the form of peppermint tea, which is brewed from nothing more than peppermint leaves and hot water and is like a warm embrace in a cup.

In addition to its delightful and refreshing flavor, the beverage has a surprising number of health benefits that will encourage you to boil a pot. Here, you’ll learn all you need to know about the health advantages of peppermint tea as well as how to make it for the best possible flavor.

Describe peppermint tea.

According to a report in the journal Food Science and Quality Management, peppermint is a hybrid of the two mint species spearmint and water mint and is a native of Europe. According to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, peppermint plants may reach heights of three feet and have sharp, green leaves that can be steeped either fresh or dried in hot water to produce peppermint tea. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, peppermint essential oil may be extracted from the leaves (and therefore, the tea) and utilized in foods or topically applied goods.

Nutritional Benefits of Peppermint Tea

According to a study published in the Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, peppermint leaves (which are now again used to brew tea) have trace amounts of the minerals magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, and selenium. According to Maddie Pasquariello, M.S., R.D., registered dietitian and owner of Nutrition with Maddie, the plant also contains certain antioxidants including flavonoids and phenolic compounds. The major active ingredient in peppermint tea and leaves, menthol, is what really steals the show because it is what gives peppermint tea so many health advantages.

It’s important to note that peppermint tea is the ideal beverage to have before bed if you have a caffeine sensitivity. According to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the beverage is inherently caffeine-free, like other herbal teas. This implies that even if you consume it at night, it won’t interfere with your beauty sleep.

What Advantages Does Peppermint Tea Possess?

Find out how peppermint tea advantages, as recommended by nutritionists, might affect your health.

Possibly Reduces Risk of Chronic Disease

Antioxidants can be found in peppermint tea, as previously indicated. According to Pasquariello, they include flavones, phenolic compounds, and vitamin C. Free radicals, which cause cellular distress in the body, are neutralized by antioxidants, which are a part of our cells’ defensive mechanisms, according to the author. According to a study published in the journal Frontiers of Physiology, free radicals can build up over time and result in oxidative stress, which has been linked to chronic health problems like cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. But you may increase your antioxidant intake by drinking peppermint tea and, of course, eating a lot of foods that are high in antioxidants. This could help prevent the onset of chronic illnesses.

Enhances Digestive Problems

It’s possible that you have heard of the advantages of peppermint tea and oil if you have looked for natural treatments for digestive issues. According to registered dietitian and owner of Within Nutrition Kylie Ivanir, M.S., R.D., peppermint relaxes the stomach’s muscles and enhances the flow of bile, which the body needs to breakdown fats. According to Ivanir, this may speed up the passage of food and gasses, so easing an upset stomach. She adds that nausea, which is frequently caused by intestinal inflammation, can be made better by the relaxing, anti-inflammatory properties of peppermint.

Relieves Pain

If you menstruate, peppermint tea may be something you want to include in your monthly self-care routine. The menthol in peppermint also soothes the GI system, which may be good for the unpleasant period feces, and reduces muscular spasms, “which may help lessen uterine contractions and cramping,” according to Ivanir. There’s more, though: Pasquariello claims that peppermint may have analgesic (pain-relieving) qualities when consumed. According to her, “analgesics [act] by inhibiting the nervous system’s messages to the brain and how the brain interprets those signals.” In addition to relieving headaches and other forms of discomfort, this may also ease menstruation pain.

Decreases traffic

The potential of peppermint tea to relieve congestion is another advantage. The decongestant effects of menthol and how it thins mucus “Ivanir said that. “Your congested nose and sore throat will be relieved when the phlegm and mucus are broken up. She continues, even inhaling the steam from a hot peppermint tea will have a decongestant effect.

Possible effects of peppermint tea

According to Pasquariello, peppermint tea is harmless for most people. According to an article in Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, the only exception is if you have a peppermint allergy, which is uncommon but conceivable. According to Pasquariello, symptoms of a peppermint allergy include tightness in the throat, coughing, itchy mouth, swollen lips, wheezing, trouble swallowing, and shortness of breath.

In addition, if you have gastric reflux illness, peppermint tea may not be the best choice for you despite its calming properties (GERD). According to Ivanir, peppermint can loosen the sphincter that prevents stomach acids from flowing back into the esophagus, exacerbating heartburn. Ask your doctor if peppermint tea is okay for you if you have a history of GERD or heartburn.

How to Benefit from Drinking Peppermint Tea

You have a few choices if you want to take advantage of the advantages peppermint tea provides. Both the tea bags and the loose leaf kind are available and both are made of dried peppermint leaves. According to Jee Choe, a tea sommelier and the creator of the tea and cuisine blog Oh, How Civilized, you should warm up your teapot before brewing peppermint tea (or any tea, for that matter) by adding hot water, swirling it about, and then draining it out. She observes that this is a standard practice among tea specialists to stop the water from significantly chilling during the steep. Choe advises steeping your peppermint tea in boiling water (between 208 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit) for at least five minutes before removing the tea bag or straining the loose tea. Your peppermint tea is now ready for consumption.

Another choice is to prepare tea with fresh peppermint leaves; no, drying them first is not required. Choe recommends simply rinsing the leaves under running water, adding them to a heated teapot with hot water, and letting it soak for five minutes. The precise amount of leaves varies on their size and your preferences, but as a starting point, aim for seven to ten leaves each cup.

You may drink peppermint tea straight up, whether it’s brewed with dried or fresh leaves. The following suggestions for presenting peppermint tea, however, provide a delightful variation.

Consume it cold. Nothing can satisfy your thirst like an iced peppermint tea. Prepare peppermint tea as normal, let it cool, then stir in ice cubes for a chilled beverage. You may steep the leaves for a longer time for a stronger flavor if you’re worried the tea will get diluted.

To green tea, add it. Choe like adding fresh peppermint leaves to cold-brew green tea to make it even more energizing. See her instructions for making homemade iced green tea.

Stir in sweetener. Add some maple syrup, honey, or coconut sugar to your next cup of peppermint tea for a sweeter kick.

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